May 19, 2011


ART. Another of my Grenadier mate Capi's drawings. This is one from a later trip to London. We were both sitting in the deck chairs at Green Park having a sandwich lunch.

Umm, a couple of egg's and crest ones at any of the sandwich shops in Picadilly Street would make my day!

From the same author see too: S'ESPALMADOR in this blog.

Este es otro de los sketchs de mi camarada de Grenadier Capi. Este está hecho en un viaje a Londres más tarde, cuando ya no vivíamos allí. Lo dibujó mientras estábamos sentados en las sillas plegables de Green Park, comiendo unos sandwiches.

Umm, con un par de los de "egg and crest" de cualquiera de las tiendas de sandwiches de Picadilly Street, ¡ya está el día hecho! 

Para otro dibujo del mismo autor ver: S'ESPALMADOR en este blog.


  1. Hello:
    Delightful. Of all the London parks, the Green Park remains one of our favourites. The drawing so readily recalls the scene in summer of office workers taking time outside to eat their picnic lunches.

  2. I miss London suddenly!
    Also Marks & Spencer's chips with vinegar!

  3. oh, st james park, ses îles, et ses canards, une pause bien agréable pendant une journée de shopping effréné.

  4. Your picture reminds me of another artist I know whom I cannot remember the name of. Will be in London in June so must do this!
