October 22, 2011


TIPS. Be there by 10 in the morning and go to the single - nearly hidden - lift on your right by the arc of the entrance to the courtyard of the Museum. It will take you straight into the Roman displays on the 3rd floor and you will have the Romans all by yourself for a good half an hour at least. The crowd entering the Museum tends to linger at the magnificent courtyard and then either starts from the ground floor exhibitions or if decides to start from the top goes to see the mummies at the other end first. Being on ones one in such a place is a real treat to the senses.

Hay que estar en el Museo para las 10 de la mañana. El ascensor, casi escondido, que está a la derecha en el arco de entrada al patio principal del Museo, te lleva derecho a la colección romana del tercer piso. Y tendrás a Roma toda para ti durante una buena media hora, como poco. La masa de gente entrando al Museo se entretiene primero en el magnífico patio de entrada y comienza luego por las galerías de la planta baja, e incluso si deciden empezar por arriba van a ver las momias en el otro extremo. Estar un un sitio así todo para uno solo es un  verdadero regalo para los sentidos. 


  1. A definitely must! And on my list for next London-visit! Never went.....
    Thanks Pete for this post and info.

    Bon Dimanche,

  2. I am SO jealous!! Amazing to be in the museum with so few people. Wonderful idea!

  3. I will remember this if i am ever fortunate enough to get there...maybe one day...'sigh!':)

  4. I can spend the entire day/two in there! Such treasures!!
    p.s I like the last pic very much, nice composition, Pet!

  5. What a great tip! I love your last photo - great perspective

  6. thanks for sharing your secret tip - hope I get to use it one day

  7. what a top tip, thanks for sharing We've joined in the link from the love of blogs with the love of my life and her love of art at http://majorloveoffilm.blogspot.com/2011/10/silent-sunday_23.html

  8. Well worth getting there early for the first shot,beautiful light and composition.

  9. I love your very useful tip! And hope to be able to take advantage of it sometime soon. :~}

  10. You know, I just love such places!

  11. qué bien lo pasé la última vez en el British! y eso que estaba con 39 de fiebre pero para una arqueóloga frustrada la tentación era demasiado grande

  12. The perspective in your first photo is wonderful. Thanks for the tip! I will use it next time in London.

  13. That sounds like a good and useful tip. Will keep this in mind when I get there.
