January 31, 2016

COLD MOUNTAIN (2003) with Nicole Kidman

FILMS. I wouldn´t have thought that such a long journey for such a short-timed reward  would be worth. And then to have to pay such a big price for it. But even instants of pure love and truth are priceless.
I have never been particularly fan of Nicole Kidman, but her magic in the movie is worth it too. Makes one believe on going the long way if necessary.
I have been in the Appalachians in winter. It was white. And cold.

No hubiera pensado que tan largo viaje para una recompensa tan corta mereciera la pena. Y luego tener que pagar tan alto precio por ella. Pero incluso instantes, de amor y verdad auténticos, no tienen precio.
Nunca he sido particularmente fan de Nicole Kidman, pero su magia en la película merece la pena también. Le hace a uno creer en seguir el camino largo si hace falta.
He estado en los Apalaches en invierno. Es blanco. Y frío.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the movie a number of years ago and I remember thinking how hard and brutal life was back then, in the "good old days." But yes - beautiful scenery!
