March 25, 2012


PLACES. Funny, we do also bill the hours and lunches to clients, and work long hours at the office and make a hard ladder up to the partnership for rookies, like in John Grisham's The Associate.
But then, a late evening beer at R with real Irish music with friend and former colleague C makes for the week.
Note: The lunch on Monday with another friend, I paid it out of my pocket, and so we did the beers :-) 

Tiene gracia, nosotros también facturamos las horas y las comidas a los clientes, y trabajamos largas horas en la oficina y ponemos una dura escalera para llegar a socio a los novatos, como en la novela de John Grisham The Associate.
Pero entonces, una cerveza a última hora en R con música irlandesa auténtica, con C, amigo y antiguo colega también, hace la semana.
Nota: La comida del lunes con otro amigo, la pagué del bolsillo, y también las cervezas las pagamos nosotros :-)

Residence Café. Barrainkua 1. Bilbao.


  1. Hello Pet :) Irish music I love, must be the Irish blood in my veins! Glad you had the opportunity to relax and enjoy a beer in the company of a good friend! x

  2. I would like to bill my lunches and drinks to someone. We found a little music at the local pub on St. Paddy's Day. Had to pay out of pocket.

  3. I pay out of the purse...pocket is too small....nothing like a good Irish beer!

  4. Seems to have been a wonderful evening!

    ♥ Franka

  5. It is so good from time to time to remind oneself what one is working for and what the climb up the career ladder is all about. To be able to enjoy a good time with friends is certainly a good reason for the hard slog.

  6. Always good to remember what's important in life. I'm actually taking a "comp" day because I worked over the past weekend.

  7. leyéndote entiendo que trabajas en una de estas grandes empresas ( Unternehmensberater) y sabes qué? me alegra saber que no todos son igual de opacos y grises , lo pensaba hasta que he leído este post....:-))) errare humanum est!
