October 27, 2015


FOOD. I have been baking bread with one of those breadmakers for some years. It is so easy than even I can do it. Now we have moved onto making it in our regular oven. We can now shape it sort of like a French baguette, and that way, magic magic, it tastes more like French bread too!
We thought it might be too much work, but then, leaving the kneading work still to the machine, it is only really very little extra to do. It is worth it.

Estos últimos años he estado haciendo pan con una de esas máquinas de hacer pan. Es tan fácil que incluso yo puedo hacerlo. Ahora nos hemos pasado a hacerlo en nuestro horno normal. Así podemos darle la forma (más o menos) de una barra, y magia magia, sabe como una barra de pan también!
Pensábamos que podría ser mucho trabajo, pero dejando el amasado todavía a la máquina, es sólo un poco de trabajo extra. Merece la pena.


  1. I miss the bread they have in Germany.

    However, I do not miss it so much that I want to bake my own. Well, I want to - but I just don't have the time (or skill). Your looks yummy!

  2. Es siehht sehr gut aus.
    Must smell wonderful!!!

    ♥ Franka
