August 8, 2012


FOOD. ... Those who had heard the rumours must have been surprised to discover the real tastes of the philosopher of pleasure.There was not grand house. The food was simple. Epicurus ... was happy with a dinner of bread, vegetables and palmful of olives. "Send me a pot of cheese, so I may have a feast whenever I like" he asked a friend. Such were the tastes of a man who had described pleasure as the purpose of life.
He had not meant to deceive. His devotion to pleasure was far greater than even the orgy accusers could have imagined.It was just that after a rational analysis, he had come to some striking conclusions about what actually made life pleasurable - and fortunately for those lacking a large income, it seemed that the essential ingredients of pleasure, however elusive, were not very expensive..."
Transcript from Alain de Botton's Consolations of Philosophy.

Favorite salad ... with olives must be a treat!
Ensalada favorita ... con aceitunas debe ser un festín!

...Los que habian oído los rumores debieron quedarse sorprendidos al descubrir los verdaderos gustos del filósofo del placer. No tenía una gran casa. La comida era simple. Epicúreo ... era feliz con una cena de pan, verduras y un puñado de olivas. " Mándame un tarro de queso, y podré darme un festín así cuando quiera" le pidió a un amigo. Tales eran los gustos del hombre que había definido el placer como el propósito de la vida.
No había intentado engañar con ello. Su devoción al placer era aún mayor que los que le acusaban de orgías podían haber imaginado. Solo que despúes de un análisis racional había llegado a unas sorprendentes conclusiones acerca de lo que realmente hacía de la vida un placer - y afortunadamente para aquellos que carezcan de grandes ingresos, parecía que los ingredientes esenciales del placer, aunque elusivos, no eran muy caros..."
Traducción por Pet de un extracto de "Consolations of Philosophy" de Alain de Botton.


  1. Hello:
    This salad looks absolutely delicious and is very much the kind of simple but fresh food which we like to enjoy.

  2. Greetings from *little Epicurus*!


    ♥ Franka

  3. I don't know how long Epicurus lived and if his theory increased his longevity!


  4. Interesting! Which confirms that simple pleasures are the best:)

    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

  5. fresh and simple always is best.....

  6. but it's even better when someone else cook for you, isn't it?
