August 10, 2012


NOTICE. We will be biking with some friends, down the Danube from Passau to Wien, for the next 10 days or so. If any of the readers of this blog is along the route we'll welcome a glass of lemonade
But even more than that, if anyone - in the world - knows how to make blogger work on an iPad I will even be able to post from the road!
Note: I have already downloaded like 3 different Apps and none seems to let me edit my Posts properly. 

Vamos a estar bajando el Danubio con unos amigos, en bicicleta desde Passau hasta Viena, durante los próximos diez días más o menos. Si alguno de los lectores de este blog está por el camino, se agradece una limonada!
Pero aún más que eso, si cualquiera - en el mundo entero - sabe cómo hacer funcionar blogger en un iPad podría hasta publicar en ruta!
Nota: Ya he bajado como 3 Apps y ninguno parece dejarme editar mis posts bien.


  1. Hello:
    How absolutely splendid. But we think quite hilly in places, but maybe not close to the Danube. Alas, we can be no help at all where technology is concerned.

  2. Have a wonderful ride, and happy travels! :)

  3. Wish I could help you with the Ipad, we just have one, safe travelling! Maureen x

  4. No se si ya habrás vuelto a qué, simplemente recomendarte Regensburg y el Welternburg Kloster:-) Saludos Pet!

  5. No Ipad here so no help. Keep a journal in your backpack and catch us up later. Happy cycling!

  6. i can't comment with the pad. for the rest i followed the apps. have a nice ride!

  7. happy travels, just forget about us..we'll be fine till you get back. yah?

  8. I hope your biking is going well, and one would think that someone would have this answer... Let me know if you figure it out. It is painful to be in Paris and not to have the power to properly post... aaaarg!


    PS Ride safely!
