June 19, 2012

TABOULET and GODELIA, a mixed race alegory

FOOD&WINE. The couscous based salad with mint went perfectly well with the Godelia, a white wine from the Northern Spanish El Bierzo region. Only civilization with its roads and bridges could have brought those two together. The dinner was at M and A's new house in the outskirts of San Sebastian, France over the mountains across the end of the garden. Oriental food with a French view. 
For dessert, extravagantly, only gin and tonic with a slice of lemon was served, but that kept us going until 3am. The mint - I believe we were told - had grown in the garden, and the lemon might have been from the lemon tree too.

La ensalada de cuscús con menta perfecta con el Godelia, un vino blanco del Bierzo (Leon). 
Solo la civilización con sus calzadas y puentes podía juntar a estos dos. La cena fue en la casa nueva de A y M en las afueras de San Sebastián, Francia al otro lado de los montes al fondo del jardín. Comida oriental con vistas. 
De postre, extravagantemente, solo se sirvió gin&tonic con una rodaja de limón, pero nos llevó hasta las 3 de la mañana. La menta - creo que escuché - era del jardín, y el limón podría haber sido del limonero también.


  1. the salad is so beatifuly served in a modern style-I like it!

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  2. Hello:
    We were introduced to Tabbouleh many years ago by a friend with a Jordanian husband. Ever since it has remained one of our favourite summer dishes as it is so cleansing on the palate. Your marriage of the salad and the wine sounds to have been a match made in Heaven and one which we should, most certainly have enjoyed. Together with the company of friends and a delightful view, what more could one ask?

  3. Now this is what I call civilization!! Love, love, love all of this.

  4. The taste buds are tingling! What a recommendation - have taken note.

  5. Tabbouleh is a great summer base for cold dishes and this salad looks divine! Paired with the wine you described... miam-miam!


  6. looks amazingly similar to this dish served by one of our local restaurants

  7. Perfect for hot Summer months.

  8. una oda a la quinoa!por cierto, por fín probé la Stevia.Recuerdo un post tuyo... y me picó la curiosidad! Ahora solo falta reducir un pelín, un pelín eh? los costes auqnue acabo de leer que harinas y azúcar van a aumentar de precio...
