FILMS. The Iron Giant (1999) is an animated movie based on the 1968 story The Iron Man written by the English poet Ted Hughes. It tells the story of a lonely boy raised by his widowed mother, discovering a giant iron man who fell from space. All that during the years of the Cold War. I chose it to watch it with the children and I ended up enjoying it as much as they did. I don’t know how I had missed it before, nor do I understand how it isn't better known. The story is beautiful and well told. For adults and children alike.
El Gigante de Hierro (1999) es una película de animación basada en la historia El Hombre de Hierro escrita por el poeta inglés Ted Hughes en 1968. Cuenta la historia de un niño solitario que vive con su madre viuda, que descubre un gigante de hierro que cae del espacio, todo ello durante los años de la Guerra Fría. La elegí para verla con los niños y acabé disfrutándola tanto como ellos. No sé cómo me la había perdido, ni entiendo por qué no es más conocida. La historia es bonita y está bien contada. Para adultos y niños igual.
Hello: We do, as it happens, know the Ted Hughes' story, 'The Iron Man' but were not aware of this cartoon which does look to be rather jolly judging by the short clip.
I must watch this! Have you heard of the book 'Timmy the Tug'? It is a story written in poetry form by the wonderful Ted Hughes. It was a lost manuscript for 50 years and discovered and published in recent years. I bought a copy last year and it is rather special...your little owls might like it! :)
ReplyDeleteWe do, as it happens, know the Ted Hughes' story, 'The Iron Man' but were not aware of this cartoon which does look to be rather jolly judging by the short clip.
no conozcto al poeta Hughes! tendré que remediar!!! feliz finde!
ReplyDeleteI must watch this! Have you heard of the book 'Timmy the Tug'? It is a story written in poetry form by the wonderful Ted Hughes. It was a lost manuscript for 50 years and discovered and published in recent years. I bought a copy last year and it is rather special...your little owls might like it! :)
ReplyDeleteI love this nove-think it is very well known by teachers
ReplyDeleteIt is in my collection as well.
ReplyDeleteLooks like fun and worth checking out :)
ReplyDeleteI put this book on my wishlist :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so interesting to me. I don't know how I missed it either. I have something for you, oh faithful follower!