July 27, 2011

LAND'S END in Formentera

And then nothingness


  1. Hello:
    Superb, very evocative images, particularly so in monochrome.

  2. very nice pictures.
    what did you read on the beach: schopenauer or kirkegaard?
    (you know what, it's 8.45 and a hard rain gonna fall. i seem to be the only alive soul in the village, except the barmaid...)

  3. Preciosas las fotos!

  4. I LOVE black&white photos--it brings the eye closer. Sort of like a dimly lit day has so much more scope for imagination than a sun-washed one.

  5. QUÉ MARAVILLA de fotos, has capturado perfectamente el espiritu de esta isla. sencillas fotos pero llenas de vida, calor, tierra, piedras, higueras, colores!!! perfecto!!! estuvimos en Begur a la vuelta, deberías ir algún dia a cala Sa TUna, creo que te encantaría! Y yo a Formentera a ver si me decido por fín!
