July 30, 2011

FIG TREES in Formentera

FORMENTERA. There is always something biblical in a landscape of fig trees. I’m reading Joseph and his brothers and that makes it even look more like the Promised Land.
I read in Stella’s Roar about the magic of the word fig itself. 
Is it a magic word?  Let’s see.

Hay siempre algo bíblico en un paisaje de higueras. Estoy leyendo José y sus hermanos y eso hace que todo parezca más aún como la Tierra Prometida.
Leí hace poco en Stella’s Roar acerca de lo mágico incluso de la propia palabra “fig”.
¿Es una palabra mágica? A ver.


  1. Hello:
    How wonderful to see fig trees growing in this very natural environment rather than cultivated in a garden which is, we believe, only where we have been aware of them.

    Our own attempt at growing one was not wholly successful as such figs as we had would never ripen.

  2. What a beautiful and stout tree. I have never seen one, thank you for the post and great pics.

  3. A mi también me gustan mucho las higueras. El aroma que desprenden es inconfundible...Y la palabra "fig" la verdad es que suena bién, es un poco "ohmmmmm", seguro que es algo mágica, seguro...

  4. is it already a season for them? I just love fresh figs!

  5. Nope, they must have been green figs, not yet ready to spell the magic :-)

  6. Thanks for including the link in the comment you left on News From Italy, figs grow wild here also.
